Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Not the Day I Planned

Today has been an interesting day!

I had my whole day planned out. Maëlle still had a daycare day today so planned to drop her off in the morning, quick visit with the doctor, grocery shopping, then time at home to clean, organize, cook a nice dinner...maybe even squeeze in a nap (Maëlle was up at 5:30am)!

At the doctor she spent a long time listening to the baby's heart rate. She then proceeded to the internal exam - 2cm dilated, then wanted to listen to the heart rate again. Spent a long time listening again. I didn't pick up on anything, seemed strong and steady to me. She mentioned that it seemed a little irregular and fast, so just to be safe she sent me to the hospital to get a non-stress test done.

Spent 2 hours at the hospital in the morning waiting and hooked up to the monitor. The heart rate was jumping anywhere between 135-185 and fairly inconsistent. T
he nurses didn't seem alarmed by it, but just to be sure (and with talking to my doctor) did ask for me to return that afternoon to test again. Soooo wasted time in town going for lunch and shopping before heading back at 3:30pm with Doug to test again. The rate had slowed considerably and seemed more consistent this time, usually between 115-145.

By 4:30 they didn't seem too concerned but wanted to check to see if my doctor wanted to see the results in person. She referred to an OBGYN on duty who ordered a blood and urine test and kept me waiting for answers. We ran out of time so Doug had to leave to pick up Maëlle from daycare. She was really good when she came to visit, sat on the bed with me and pointed to 'baby', but naturally got restless quick

ly and threw a huge fit when Doug took her away. Mostly likely scared to leave Mommy in a weird place. Finally the doctor showed up only to say that things looked fine and it is normal for baby's heart rate to fluctuate.

Although 'normal' they still have booked me for an ultrasound tomorrow, a follow up appointment with this doctor Thursday, and then back to hospital for another non-stress test on Friday!

By the time we got home it was after 7pm, no dinner, groceries had been in the car since 3pm (luckily it's cold out), and all Maëlle could say on the drive was "I want to go home". Me too Maëlle! Hopefully every
thing is okay and we get some better answers on all this testing tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow.....what a day! Hope you were not too stressed out by all the tests. At least you know what your week will hold now. Keep us posted!
