Monday, October 26, 2009

Shy Baby...or Squished Baby Perhaps!

This afternoon we went for our 20 week ultrasound. The morning started with me downing 2 1/2 very large glasses of water. I was told to do this 1 hour is advance, but by 20 minutes in I already had to pee bad! By the time I picked up Doug up from work, I thought I was going to cry. When we finally arrived I was so certain I was going to lose it and pee my pants. So so horrible. I went right to counter and told them I couldn’t hold it. The woman at the counter didn’t even react, instead asked me to confirm my address. Then casually said if it helps you can release for 5 seconds. Hahaha, not an option when you have to go that bad!

The technician looked right away on the scan and she said, “wow your bladder is really full”! She took all kinds of pictures and measurements while Doug had to wait outside the room. I couldn't make out anything on her screen. After about 10 mins she had me go and release about a cup and a half from my bladder because it was so full that the baby couldn’t move around much!! Even after going, she said that my bladder looked full.

Doug then got to join me and she showed us some different images of the baby. The baby is just under a pound in weight. We didn’t get a super good view because the baby was turned in with its back to the scan. Not sure if the baby was just shy or maybe too squished by my full bladder. We did get to see the little heart beating and it was kicking its leg around.

The scan is a little hard to make out but these are best views she could get. She said the doctor might send me back again for another scan to try and catch the baby in a different position. I have a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday so we’ll get to discuss the measurements and confirm that all the organs look good. The technician said that the baby was right on track for a 20 week baby though.

Top shows the head to the left, the spine following across to the right, followed by the curve of the baby's bottom.

The bottom shows the profile of the face with a little arm on the far left, the chest inclining toward the right, followed by the profile of the chin, nose, and forehead as you look left to right.

We're hoping we get to go again...but lesson learnt, '4 glasses' to the ultrasound place is equal to 1 large glass at my work!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Painting Has Begun!

We picked up our paint on Friday from Benjamin Moore. We went with Potpourri Green and China Blue. In the midst of packing for my trip to Vancouver and Calgary, Doug decided he wanted to start on one wall with the cutting in for the ceiling and edges etc.

Let's just say I'm glad I won't be around for the whole thing, and I'm sure Doug will be happy to do it on his own too! It totally stresses me out as I am a perfectionist when it comes to these things, and watching someone else do it was not easy. I am sure Doug will appreciate not having me breathing over his shoulder and critiquing every second brush stroke!

I am away for a week, so when I come back it should all be done. My words of advice for Doug were, 'take it slow, strive for perfection.' I told him, doesn't he want to prove me wrong by doing an absolutely amazing job?! I'm sure he will!!

Pictures to follow when I get back home :0)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Baby Room Prep

We're planning to pick up paint tomorrow for the baby's room. I'm away all next week in Vancouver and then spending the weekend in Calgary, so I guess Doug thinks a painting project will keep him busy.

We're going with two walls blue and two walls green. Still disagreeing on the shades, but I think thanks to Lisa's feedback last weekend Doug will agree to the shades I like! Hahaha!

We're nearing the end of week 18 and only a week and a half till our Ultrasound. Yeah!!!

Here is a week 18 belly shot :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

First Movement Felt?

Driving home last night, I think I may have felt the baby move for the first time! I'm not 100% sure, but it felt like a light flutter below my belly button and a little to the left. It's hard to say if it was the baby or not, but people often describe the feeling as a flutter, so perhaps! It kind of felt like finger tips dancing under my skin.

Very exciting! Even if that wasn't the baby, it got me very excited to start feeling the baby regularly in a few more weeks. It will also be so exciting when Doug will get to feel kicks and things like that too :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mega Migraine - 17 weeks

Sunday however was not so much fun. I got hit with a massive migraine headache. I spent the morning complaining about my vision and how everything was blurry/shifty, I knew it was the sign of a bad headache to come, but I didn't expect to have a headache so bad it made my throw up! I spent the whole day sleeping and resting my eyes in an attempt to help my head feel better. My stomach was feeling strange all day too.

I swear that when I feel strange tummy pains it means I'm growing, and sure enough the next day I was up another inch! This picture makes me look huge. I don't think I'm actually 'showing' as much as this picture angle reflects. But guess I only get the view from looking down!

Here is our start of week 17 photo :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Today I went for another doctor's appointment. I didn't realise that with every appointment I'll get a chance to hear the baby's heartbeat. I was excited to get to hear it again today. Nice and strong and loud. The baby was also moving a bit as she tried to count the rate. The heartbeat was up to 154 beats per minute this time, which might debunk Lisa's theory that it's a boy!

Doug was disappointed that he hadn't come with me. I thought it was just a check up and peeing in a cup, so I told him not to bother coming. Guess from now on we'll go to the appointments together so he'll get to hear the heartbeat too.

She also measured my stomach/uterus and it is right on target for 16 weeks.

Everything going well so far. This whole experience to date can only be an extreme case of good luck! Darn, should have bought that lottery ticket!!