Sunday, November 29, 2009

25 Weeks and Partially Prepared!

Today we start our 25th week. Hard to believe 6 months have past already. The past week or so, for the first time, I've started to actually 'feel' pregnant. My tummy is much more noticeable, I guess enough that now strangers are starting to ask when I'm due. I'm easily huffing and puffing just going up a flight of stairs, it's a bit of work rolling over in bed, and I'm not sleeping as well. But really no complaints, I'm feeling great and savoring every minute of it.

We have our crib put together now and we hung the valance that came with our crib bedding set. So the room is starting to come together.

While we were in the States we came across some crazy deals on Halloween clothes, naturally I couldn't say no. Who could say no to the cutest sleepers for only $0.25!! Most are larger sizes and should hopefully fit the baby next halloween. Some are smaller, so our 'little pumpkin' may be sporting some ghosts in the middle of July!

At dinner one night while away, Doug expressed to me that he was feeling that we're unprepared, that there are still some many things to get to by ready. I re-assured him that we have lots of time still, to which he responded, "but the only thing we have at home is 2 diapers (free samples from Costco) and nothing for the baby to wear but Halloween clothes!" hahaha

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Doug's First Baby Encounter

While away last week Doug got a chance to feel the baby move for the first time. It was very exciting! The baby isn't really 'kicking' yet, or at least it doesn't feel like it to me, just lots of squirming feelings. There was some repetitive movement happening in one spot so I got Doug to place his hand on it and I told him to be patient. Probably 5 minutes past and then finally Doug got to feel a movement. I imagine we're getting really close to be able to feel the baby move from the outside all the time soon. Can't wait till we can see a little hand punching out, or a foot traveling across my tummy!! hahaha

Monday, November 23, 2009

Our 'Babymoon' Trip

We just returned from a week vacation on the Oregon Coast. Some people call it a 'Babymoon', like a honeymoon but your last romantic get-away before a baby! We really enjoyed our time away especially walking along the beautiful beaches. I think it was really one last chance for Roxy to be the center of attention! She had such a blast running of the beach and playing in the surf.

The baby is moving much more now. I feel it basically constantly wiggling around in my ever expanding belly. I didn't think I'd grown much, but coming back to work today I had 3 comments about my growth!

We've signed up with Mike and Roslyn to attend our Prenatal Classes together. The classes start in January. I'm feeling great and looking forward to another doctor's appointment this week to get to hear the heartbeat again. This week we are 24 weeks.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sweet Dreams

Last night I was shopping at Toys R Us for my work Christmas Hampers, and realized we should take advantage of my invitation to the Friends and Family Night discount of 15% off to purchase the crib and dresser we liked from there.

We've gone with a convertible crib that will go from crib, to toddler bed, to head board/foot board for a double bed, and the change table dresser unit in Espresso finish. Was surprised to find out they had it in stock so we'll make arrangements to pick it up this week.

Here is what we picked:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Half Way Mark & Busy Busy

Crazy to think we are half way there to meeting our baby for the first time! This past week was very busy. Last weekend Doug finished painting the baby's room
while I was away. I have to admit he did a pretty good job ;) The colours are bright and fun and definitely welcoming for a child. It's hard to get a feel for it but here are a couple pictures.

Monday we had our Ultrasound and then on Wednesday I had another doctor's appointment. Luckily I got offered the H1N1 vaccine on the spot by my doctor and decided to go for it. No waiting in lines or anything. Wow was my arm ever sore afterwards though! The heartbeat was nice and strong again, 152 beats per minute. Lisa is still predicting girl. I have had no inclinations yet as to boy or girl. I'm just happy that we've decided to keep it a surprise.

Our friends and neighbours also had their ultrasound this week. Congratulations to Mike and Roslyn who found out that they are having a little boy!

Here is a 20 week, 6 days picture from dressing up for Halloween at work on Friday. Halloween is my favorite holiday and how fun to have my own little pumpkin growing inside of me for this special day this year! Happy Halloween everyone :)