Saturday, November 19, 2011

This time two years ago...

I wore a T-shirt the other day that I clearly remembered wearing about this time of year when pregnant with Maëlle. I took a picture to make a comparison. I feel that my tummy is bigger this time around, but I think I may just be carrying differently.

Although there is a 2 week difference between due date for baby 2 and Maëlle's birthday, it turns out the photos are from the exact same week but two years apart. I was definitely quite a bit smaller the first time around, but I'm two weeks earlier than now in that shot. Still a big difference from the photo I have from week 25 two year ago though!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Comparing Bellies!

One of my co-workers is due just 5 days after me, so every time we see each other we compare who is bigger! We had a photo taken to settle the debate. I think we're pretty similar size but just carrying differently.

It's been fun to have someone going through the same things at the same time again. Her daughter also attends the same day care as Maelle so we are often swapping stories about them too.

There is a very distinct possibility that we could end up at the hospital delivering at the same time!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Crib Shopping

Just like 2 years ago when we bought Maëlle's bedroom set, we took advantage of the Toys R Us Friends & Family discount night. Tonight I was there again shopping for my work Christmas Hampers. I wasn't planning to purchase one, but found a crib that I really like so ordered it on sale. It is a convertible crib again but in a more cherry/lighter finish. Just need to search for a matching dresser/change table now.

It's all coming together! Making up for lost time. Excited to put this baby's room together and make it just as special as the time we put into Maëlle's.

Sharing the Movement!

This baby seems either way more active, or I'm just able to feel it better. Tonight Doug got to feel the baby move for the first time. I'm curious to see how much we feel/see towards the end. I'm anticipating much more than with Maëlle. We should get some good shots of 'alien' type limbs pushing through the skin!