Friday, February 26, 2010

Last Day of Work

Today I had my last day of work. Kind of hard to believe I'm all done for a whole year...but I know that my next big is about to start.

Wonder how much time I'll actually have 'off' before the baby comes. We're still measuring at 1cm dilated but the baby has dropped down slightly. The doctor mentioned sweeping our membranes next week at our appointment, but I'm thinking maybe we wait one more week. I'm still feeling good and not in a rush to get things started! Plus I have a massage booked for Thursday ;)

Only wish the Olympics was still on next week when I'll be home able to watch 24/7 - I'll be in Olympics withdrawal!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Beautiful Baby Shower

On Saturday, Amanda threw a beautiful baby shower for me and my Vancouver friends. She did such a great job thinking of every detail and making it so special for me. Amanda planned a fun activity having everyone paint a special bib for the baby.
I feel so fortunate for such wonderful friends and all the special baby gifts. We were thrilled to receive everything from baskets to blankets, cloth diapers to sleepers and some very cute toys.

It was really great to see everyone and I can't wait to be back in the spring to introduce our new baby.

Olympics Baby, Ya!

We made it home safely on Sunday from our week in Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympics. Glad that there was no need for the baby bag that we packed or the car seat we brought along... just in case!

We enjoyed a fantastic week of Olympic events and taking in the excitement of downtown Vancouver. Great big thank you to our friends Amanda and Rick for their hospitality. Roxy is suffering from depression missing her friend Mitchel or maybe just missing his toys!!

I did notice a slight difference by the end of the week in the position of the baby. I think it has started to 'drop' a little and my waddle is starting to develop. My hips are hurting a little, and they crack every time I get out of bed in the morning.... guess it could just be all that extra walking we did while in Vancouver!

Week 36 with the Olympic Torch at the Canada Pavilion

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Olympics Day 5

We're really enjoying our time in Vancouver for the Olympics. We got to see some great events live, and downtown Vancouver is just alive with people and the excitement of the games. Everyone is decked out in red and white and maple leafs.

So far I have been feeling great and not having any problems keeping up with all the walking around town. I've worked the baby bump to my advantage, always getting offered seats on the busy Canada Line etc!

Here is a photo at 36 weeks in front of the Olympic Flame with my friend Amanda. Only one month (maybe) to go!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

1cm and good to go to the Olympics!

At our doctor's appointment yesterday we were a little surprised to find out that I am 1cm dilated already. The doctor's first reaction was, "When are you back from the Olympics again?"!!! She said it shouldn't be a problem but she did make a prediction that we probably wouldn't make it to our due date. Hmmmm....

She has provided us with a copy of our file to take down to Vancouver with us, just in case and Doug also has the car seat in the car already to save us from having to buy a new one if baby does decide to come during the Olympics. Don't think that will actually be the case, but we're prepared none the less.

We head down on Friday and we can't wait! Glad the baby hasn't 'dropped' yet - I seem to still be okay walking and being on my feet quite a bit. Noticing a little swelling in my ankles and fingers as of late though. Guess 2am dancing at the Heineken House will be out! Darn.

Excited by Dr. Seuss - Kicking Action!

The baby seems to have a bit of schedule worked out now for activity and sleep. It is most active in the afternoons (around 2pm) and then again on our drive home (around 5pm) and then very active in the evenings from about 8pm on. Last night the baby was really squirming and we got a great view of it pushing a fist or foot up through my skin! We jumped to get the video cameras and my iPhone, but of course it's impossible to capture the big movements when you wait for them.

I captured a smaller movement on my iPhone, so hopefully it is noticeable to you too! Don't be confused by my breathing, the movement is near the very end of video clip after I push down on my tummy. It happens at about 22 seconds.

Most nights we play music to the baby through my little pillow speaker. Last night we had Dr. Seuss stories playing to the baby. The speaker is the little round white thing on my tummy.

Friday, February 5, 2010

It's Not Little, But Was Excited

We are now into our weekly visits with the doctor. Everything continues to look good and be on target. I'm feeling great, just a little tired by the end of the work week. We did get another 'comment' though on our last visit from the doctor! She was palpating my tummy for the baby, and she remarked..."well, it's not a small baby"!!!!! Hmmmm... She must have got the baby all worked up too with that comment because when she checked the heart rate the baby was very excited and their heart was beating super fast and strong, fluctuating between 145-167!

Any predictions Lisa?! I still have no instinct as to if it is a boy or a girl. Guess we need to finalize our list of name options pretty quick. We have a couple that we have been tossing back and forth, but no short list decisions yet. I downloaded some apps for my new iPhone to help us narrow it down while we drive to Vancouver next week :)