Sunday, December 27, 2009

Boxing Day Shopping

We've been thinking lots about a stroller over the past month or so and trying to decide which one to go with. We got a demo weeks back of the Valco Tri Mode stroller at the Baby & Me store in Kelowna, and Doug was sold right away. I have to admit I was pretty impressed by the features and add-ons that make it after some thought and looking around Kelowna and online we went into the Baby & Me store yesterday and made our big purchase!

Unfortunately no real 'Boxing Day' benefit to buying them yesterday but nice to finally make the decision and go with it. For those who know me well, you'll know that I hate spending money on big purchases, and making decisions like this is very hard for me! Now that it's done though, I feel good about it and excited to have a very nice quality stroller and safe car seat for the baby.

Thank you to both our parents and for the generous gift certificate from Les & Kathy that helped us pay for these items.

We ended up with the Valco Tri Mode stroller in black and a Chicco car seat in green and brown. Both are very easy to use and the stroller should be good for all terrain and for years to come.

Baby's 'First' Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We enjoyed a nice time with my Mom and Dad and brother who were here from Vancouver to celebrate Christmas. We missed having Doug's parents who are down in Arizona right now.

The baby is getting more and more active everyday and my tummy is expanding as the baby is now in the weight gain phase. My last trip to the doctor I got an "atta girl" when I stepped on the scale. Nice to be rewarded for gaining weight! Bring on the Christmas cookies and treats I say, especially since my blood glucose came back in the clear :)

Baby's heart rate was 140, nice and strong, and I measured right on track for 28 weeks. Today we start week 29 and we are officially in our third trimester! How exciting, not long to go now.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sugar Sugar

So I finally made it in to the lab for my gestational diabetes test. They have you drink a large glass of a sugary beverage and then you have to wait on-site for one hour before the take your blood test. Some people have talked about how gross the drink tastes, but I thought it was kind of yummy...even at 8 in the morning! Guess it was my sweet tooth that didn't mind it. Tasted like a fizzy version of the old orange McDonald's drink!! I luckily picked the morning after a snowstorm, so the usual "older" clientele weren't there clogging the waiting room and I was able to spread my stuff out and get some work done while waiting. We'll find out the results at our next doctor's appointment on Monday.

Here I am at Week 27 -

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Holidays

Last week was my Christmas party for work. Always fun to dress up and have a night out. Here I am at the end of 25 weeks. Still feeling great...and starting to eat for two! Hard to resist the temptations of the holidays. "Why yes baby would like a piece of chocolate cake! Baby is craving egg nog again! Another cookie, hmmm, sure!" Luckily I haven't been gaining unrealistic amounts of weight...yet ;)
Next week I'll be going for my gestational diabetes test, so better take it easy on the sweets over the weekend I guess. I'll let you know how gross the syrup is that they make you drink on Monday.

I've had a request for more photos, so I'll try and get better at posting more often. Nice to know people are actually ready this :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

25 Weeks and Partially Prepared!

Today we start our 25th week. Hard to believe 6 months have past already. The past week or so, for the first time, I've started to actually 'feel' pregnant. My tummy is much more noticeable, I guess enough that now strangers are starting to ask when I'm due. I'm easily huffing and puffing just going up a flight of stairs, it's a bit of work rolling over in bed, and I'm not sleeping as well. But really no complaints, I'm feeling great and savoring every minute of it.

We have our crib put together now and we hung the valance that came with our crib bedding set. So the room is starting to come together.

While we were in the States we came across some crazy deals on Halloween clothes, naturally I couldn't say no. Who could say no to the cutest sleepers for only $0.25!! Most are larger sizes and should hopefully fit the baby next halloween. Some are smaller, so our 'little pumpkin' may be sporting some ghosts in the middle of July!

At dinner one night while away, Doug expressed to me that he was feeling that we're unprepared, that there are still some many things to get to by ready. I re-assured him that we have lots of time still, to which he responded, "but the only thing we have at home is 2 diapers (free samples from Costco) and nothing for the baby to wear but Halloween clothes!" hahaha

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Doug's First Baby Encounter

While away last week Doug got a chance to feel the baby move for the first time. It was very exciting! The baby isn't really 'kicking' yet, or at least it doesn't feel like it to me, just lots of squirming feelings. There was some repetitive movement happening in one spot so I got Doug to place his hand on it and I told him to be patient. Probably 5 minutes past and then finally Doug got to feel a movement. I imagine we're getting really close to be able to feel the baby move from the outside all the time soon. Can't wait till we can see a little hand punching out, or a foot traveling across my tummy!! hahaha

Monday, November 23, 2009

Our 'Babymoon' Trip

We just returned from a week vacation on the Oregon Coast. Some people call it a 'Babymoon', like a honeymoon but your last romantic get-away before a baby! We really enjoyed our time away especially walking along the beautiful beaches. I think it was really one last chance for Roxy to be the center of attention! She had such a blast running of the beach and playing in the surf.

The baby is moving much more now. I feel it basically constantly wiggling around in my ever expanding belly. I didn't think I'd grown much, but coming back to work today I had 3 comments about my growth!

We've signed up with Mike and Roslyn to attend our Prenatal Classes together. The classes start in January. I'm feeling great and looking forward to another doctor's appointment this week to get to hear the heartbeat again. This week we are 24 weeks.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sweet Dreams

Last night I was shopping at Toys R Us for my work Christmas Hampers, and realized we should take advantage of my invitation to the Friends and Family Night discount of 15% off to purchase the crib and dresser we liked from there.

We've gone with a convertible crib that will go from crib, to toddler bed, to head board/foot board for a double bed, and the change table dresser unit in Espresso finish. Was surprised to find out they had it in stock so we'll make arrangements to pick it up this week.

Here is what we picked:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Half Way Mark & Busy Busy

Crazy to think we are half way there to meeting our baby for the first time! This past week was very busy. Last weekend Doug finished painting the baby's room
while I was away. I have to admit he did a pretty good job ;) The colours are bright and fun and definitely welcoming for a child. It's hard to get a feel for it but here are a couple pictures.

Monday we had our Ultrasound and then on Wednesday I had another doctor's appointment. Luckily I got offered the H1N1 vaccine on the spot by my doctor and decided to go for it. No waiting in lines or anything. Wow was my arm ever sore afterwards though! The heartbeat was nice and strong again, 152 beats per minute. Lisa is still predicting girl. I have had no inclinations yet as to boy or girl. I'm just happy that we've decided to keep it a surprise.

Our friends and neighbours also had their ultrasound this week. Congratulations to Mike and Roslyn who found out that they are having a little boy!

Here is a 20 week, 6 days picture from dressing up for Halloween at work on Friday. Halloween is my favorite holiday and how fun to have my own little pumpkin growing inside of me for this special day this year! Happy Halloween everyone :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Shy Baby...or Squished Baby Perhaps!

This afternoon we went for our 20 week ultrasound. The morning started with me downing 2 1/2 very large glasses of water. I was told to do this 1 hour is advance, but by 20 minutes in I already had to pee bad! By the time I picked up Doug up from work, I thought I was going to cry. When we finally arrived I was so certain I was going to lose it and pee my pants. So so horrible. I went right to counter and told them I couldn’t hold it. The woman at the counter didn’t even react, instead asked me to confirm my address. Then casually said if it helps you can release for 5 seconds. Hahaha, not an option when you have to go that bad!

The technician looked right away on the scan and she said, “wow your bladder is really full”! She took all kinds of pictures and measurements while Doug had to wait outside the room. I couldn't make out anything on her screen. After about 10 mins she had me go and release about a cup and a half from my bladder because it was so full that the baby couldn’t move around much!! Even after going, she said that my bladder looked full.

Doug then got to join me and she showed us some different images of the baby. The baby is just under a pound in weight. We didn’t get a super good view because the baby was turned in with its back to the scan. Not sure if the baby was just shy or maybe too squished by my full bladder. We did get to see the little heart beating and it was kicking its leg around.

The scan is a little hard to make out but these are best views she could get. She said the doctor might send me back again for another scan to try and catch the baby in a different position. I have a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday so we’ll get to discuss the measurements and confirm that all the organs look good. The technician said that the baby was right on track for a 20 week baby though.

Top shows the head to the left, the spine following across to the right, followed by the curve of the baby's bottom.

The bottom shows the profile of the face with a little arm on the far left, the chest inclining toward the right, followed by the profile of the chin, nose, and forehead as you look left to right.

We're hoping we get to go again...but lesson learnt, '4 glasses' to the ultrasound place is equal to 1 large glass at my work!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Painting Has Begun!

We picked up our paint on Friday from Benjamin Moore. We went with Potpourri Green and China Blue. In the midst of packing for my trip to Vancouver and Calgary, Doug decided he wanted to start on one wall with the cutting in for the ceiling and edges etc.

Let's just say I'm glad I won't be around for the whole thing, and I'm sure Doug will be happy to do it on his own too! It totally stresses me out as I am a perfectionist when it comes to these things, and watching someone else do it was not easy. I am sure Doug will appreciate not having me breathing over his shoulder and critiquing every second brush stroke!

I am away for a week, so when I come back it should all be done. My words of advice for Doug were, 'take it slow, strive for perfection.' I told him, doesn't he want to prove me wrong by doing an absolutely amazing job?! I'm sure he will!!

Pictures to follow when I get back home :0)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Baby Room Prep

We're planning to pick up paint tomorrow for the baby's room. I'm away all next week in Vancouver and then spending the weekend in Calgary, so I guess Doug thinks a painting project will keep him busy.

We're going with two walls blue and two walls green. Still disagreeing on the shades, but I think thanks to Lisa's feedback last weekend Doug will agree to the shades I like! Hahaha!

We're nearing the end of week 18 and only a week and a half till our Ultrasound. Yeah!!!

Here is a week 18 belly shot :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

First Movement Felt?

Driving home last night, I think I may have felt the baby move for the first time! I'm not 100% sure, but it felt like a light flutter below my belly button and a little to the left. It's hard to say if it was the baby or not, but people often describe the feeling as a flutter, so perhaps! It kind of felt like finger tips dancing under my skin.

Very exciting! Even if that wasn't the baby, it got me very excited to start feeling the baby regularly in a few more weeks. It will also be so exciting when Doug will get to feel kicks and things like that too :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mega Migraine - 17 weeks

Sunday however was not so much fun. I got hit with a massive migraine headache. I spent the morning complaining about my vision and how everything was blurry/shifty, I knew it was the sign of a bad headache to come, but I didn't expect to have a headache so bad it made my throw up! I spent the whole day sleeping and resting my eyes in an attempt to help my head feel better. My stomach was feeling strange all day too.

I swear that when I feel strange tummy pains it means I'm growing, and sure enough the next day I was up another inch! This picture makes me look huge. I don't think I'm actually 'showing' as much as this picture angle reflects. But guess I only get the view from looking down!

Here is our start of week 17 photo :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Today I went for another doctor's appointment. I didn't realise that with every appointment I'll get a chance to hear the baby's heartbeat. I was excited to get to hear it again today. Nice and strong and loud. The baby was also moving a bit as she tried to count the rate. The heartbeat was up to 154 beats per minute this time, which might debunk Lisa's theory that it's a boy!

Doug was disappointed that he hadn't come with me. I thought it was just a check up and peeing in a cup, so I told him not to bother coming. Guess from now on we'll go to the appointments together so he'll get to hear the heartbeat too.

She also measured my stomach/uterus and it is right on target for 16 weeks.

Everything going well so far. This whole experience to date can only be an extreme case of good luck! Darn, should have bought that lottery ticket!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Some 1st Purchases & Good Deals!

Doug and I decided to head out Saturday morning to check out some garage sales in search of some possible baby stuff. After the first 2 sales were total duds, I was ready to give up when Doug said let's try one more. We lucked out finding a street in a new neighbourhood with a bunch of young families with toddlers. There was more than one house selling great baby things in excellent condition. It was hard not to go overboard not knowning what we'll need/want, but I think we ended up finding some great stuff for a great deal.

For $40 we ended up with:
a Graco Swing
a Sesame Street Beginnings Bouncer
a Fisher Price Linkadoos Bouncer/Rocker
a Fisher Price Aquarium
a LeapFrog activity structure
a LeapFrog farm magnet puzzle
a Playskool xylophone
a musical book & some stuffies

Saturday, September 26, 2009

No Spiking!

By far my favorite activity is Volleyball. I've been playing in a weekly Rec league with the same friends since the first year that we moved here. So naturally I was keen to continue playing with this fall's volleyball season. I've been feeling great and I figure it's pretty low risk as it is a Rec league! I don't plan to dive for the ball or anything, to which my teammates responded, "Well it's not like you did much of that before anyways"!! Hahaha

Doug is not so happy about my decision to play;) Thinks I should be taking it easy. He has been so wonderful throughout so far and always looking out for me. After my first game this past Thursday I came home and was telling Doug about this awesome spike I had, and how it pulled on my stomach skin. His reaction was priceless. "Spiking! No spiking! You are not to be spiking the ball."

I also mentioned I get the same stretching feeling when I sneeze and I do a lot more of that than spiking :)

For now I'm going to give it a go. Told my team that I'd have to see how it goes, and I might have to quit as soon as it gets uncomfortable or if I start to question whether it is the best thing for the baby.

The team is going to start a pool to guess on which date my stomach will reach the same size as the volleyball! Anyone want to enter??!

First Photo - 15 weeks

Well we figured it was finally time for our first photo. There has definitely been some growth in my tummy and although my clothes all still fit fine, there isn't much hiding it anymore! I have had several comments from people at work mentioning that they have started to notice a change.

We'll take regular photos from now on to show the progression over the 40 weeks. Still feeling great and no real complaints...never any complaints!! We are so happy about having a baby, I could never complain ;)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

POP goes the belly!

Thursday night I was complaining of not feeling well, that my tummy was aching a little and then sure enough by Friday morning I swear things had shifted and my belly grew! I'm still not 100% convinced it's not just all the "baby wants a screamer, or a frosty, or chocolate" catching up to me though!!

We did read that for week 14 "Chances are your uterus is too big to fit inside your pelvis now. Can you feel it above your pubic bone? It may feel like a smooth ball. Your uterus will continue to grow up into your abdomen. At this point in your pregnancy, you probably feel like you've lost your waist and gained some weight on your sides, hips and legs."

Pretty soon we'll be ready to post some pictures to document my transformation into a whale!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

thump thump thump

This past Thursday we got to hear the baby's heartbeat while having my first real check-up with the doctor. It took a little while for her to find it, making me a bit nervous, but sure enough it came pounding through loud and clear. She counted it at about 144 beats per minute.

Once again the theories have started on whether that means it's a boy or a girl!

We're now in week 13 and happy to finally share the news with all our friends, family, and co-workers.

Waiting now for the tummy to start growing, and eagerly anticipating our 20 week ultrasound.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pregnant like a Goat!

We went camping this weekend with Teresa and her family at Lassie Lake. We feel pretty lucky that they introduced us to their "secret" favorite camp spot. It was beautiful with not many people around and a gorgeous calm lake to kayak on.

Only downside is trying to make it through the night without having to pee! I hate getting up in the middle of the night to stumble to the outhouse!!

Doug had a funny dream while camping. He dreamt that I got huge while pregnant, except my stomach grew out side to side rather than straight out. Like the pregnant goat we saw. Hope that dream doesn't come true!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Week 11

Today we enter Week 11. Baby is about the size of a lime and gearing up to double in size in the next couple weeks. We're looking forward to a doctor's appointment next week to hear the heart beat again. We don't get another ultrasound until 20 weeks though.

Some super exciting news is we found out our friends and neighbours, Roslyn and Mike are also expecting their first baby. And their baby is due only about 10 days after ours. It will be so great to go through this together and for our kids to grow up as instant friends!

I'm starting to feel self conscious that I "look" pregnant. Not entirely sure my tummy is any different from my pre-pregnant chub, but I'm convinced it does. Guess we won't be keeping it a secret too much longer. Thinking about officially sharing the news in a week or two.

Feeling okay still. Amazing no real nausea or sickness. How did I escape that?! A little tired at times but overall feeling good.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Boy or Girl?

Well if we believe in the ancient Chinese Gender Chart from this site, it will be a boy.

If we follow the Chinese Gender Chart from this site, it will be a girl!

Apparently the ancient chart has multiple translations!!

Wonder if Doug's dream will be any premonition - he dreamt it will be a girl. I have no inkling either way yet. Guess we've got seven months to keep us predicting :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Birth to a Cat

We read that it is not unusual to have strange dreams while pregnant - dreaming of forgetting your baby in the supermarket or leaving them in a filing cabinet!

I had my first strange dream the other night. I dreamt that I gave birth to a cat! And in my dream that was apparently totally normal. It was like you had a 90% chance of having a child, and a 10% chance of having a cat. In my dream I gave birth to a grey cat, I was so ecstatic at first because I was so happy to have just given birth and the miracle of a new It wasn't until they passed me the cat to hold it for the first time, and it meowed,
scratched me and ran away, that I was sad that I hadn't had a child instead.
My mom was there and she was comforting me as I wept! I was saying over and over, "I know that I am so fortunate to have had a cat, but I really wanted a baby, I wanted the baby."

Must have been too much reading about the early stages and the embryo actually having a tail for a while!! Hahaha!

Inspired by Monkeys!

Saw this crib set with Lisa in Calgary and immediately loved it! Who doesn't love monkeys? I started looking around to see what else is out there, but nothing seemed to compare. And my thoughts for a baby room have been inspired by this idea of monkeys and a jungle theme. We were surprised to find it at a store in Kelowna so decided to splurge and get to it to help inspire the rest of the room (wall colours etc.)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Our First Ultrasound

Because we had started looking into In Vitro, the Fertility Clinic offered us an early ultrasound to confirm that everything was looking okay with the baby in the early stages.

These are the photos from our almost week 7 ultrasound. Just the size of a pea, we still got to see and hear the heartbeat. Amazing!

Our Little Miracle

After two years of trying, many hardships, and being told we only had a 3-5% chance of getting pregnant naturally...we won the lottery and tested positive as pregnant on July 7th.

We were, and of course still are, ecstatic with the news!

Even after 2 positive home tests and 2 blood tests confirming the pregnancy it still all just seemed so surreal. We couldn't wait and told our family right away the night we found out.